Tuesday, March 2, 2010

westboro baptist church

This group is so absurd! If they want to think and believe the way they do, fine! But why do they have to force it on everyone else? Why does it matter that John Doe likes men? John Doe does not affect your life in any way. John Doe is not pissed off because you are able to get married, hes not protesting you and your husband or wife going to dinner and having PDA's. WHO CARES? There are plenty of people who dont agree with homosexuality, but dont force their belief on others.

Even the most conservative people would not hold up signs saying things like "Thank God for IED's" or "Thank God for dead soldiers" This is so sad to me.

It seriously makes me sick to my stomach thinking about them going to a soldiers funeral and saying that God killed him because he was defending a country of "sodomist hypocrites." That is so disrespectful. If I saw that I would seriously want to kill them. That persons family and friends are in mourning. They dont need a bunch of idiot assholes yelling about how their son or boyfriend or husband or best friend was killed by God for his actions. He died with honor and I cant even explain my anger when I hear about groups like this protesting funerals, esp. for dumbass reasons. Not to mention that if the men and women in the Army didn't fight for our freedom and rights they wouldn't even be allowed to protest in the first place. What a bunch of idiots.

If you hate America so much, WHY DONT YOU JUST LEAVE???

Also, all they want is for people to go out and protest them so they can get more coverage. So if everyone would just ignore them they would realize that they suck and no one cares. They want to get a rise out of people because then they know they are doing something right. SO DONT GIVE IT TO THEM!