Tuesday, December 29, 2009

unique pastimes

Right now I am writing my "life story," recording all that I can remember for the past and continuing to record my future. Ultimately I want to finish, or get to a stopping point, and make copies to send to past/present friends who would appreciate it. It would also be nice to find old pictures and notes, but we will see how that goes.....

I want to find other fun pastimes like this one:


--Writing my great grandmother
--Writing an old friend
--Sending art/doodles/ideas to an old friend (or a stranger...like post secrets with a twist)

Car Alarms

My car alarm has been going off all day. I am lucky this didnt happen to me!

Monday, December 28, 2009

makes me think

Its a website like FML but with more insightful stories. Some make you sigh, some make you cry. Enjoy.


iraq war documentary

Most of these stories and clips bring me to tears. One of the best documentaries I have seen on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

There are like 6 parts to it, in all about 45 minutes. Worth every minute to watch the whole thing!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009